August 10, 2008


With less than four weeks to go before my big departure I have been doing my best to catch up with everyone from back home, and I can say that I don't think that I have never been this in-demand before in my life.
It is not that I am popular, or that anyone wants to get in the act of being mentioned in any post travel blog, but I get the impression that people are half thinking that this will be the last time that they might ever see me.
People I haven't spoken to for ages are coming out of the woodwork and making a lot of noise about meeting up before I go, asking how long it is left, and one person even half joked that he thought that I had died as he had not seen or heard of anything from me in months.
Thanks to the staff at my old { and still current } company, I have been furnished with a compact digital camera and so its no surprise that I have been snapping away whenever I have got the chance to, especially with my old friends, and then posting them on my facebook profile.
However I was not expecting that just because I met up with a female friend on her own, and took a photo of the two of us together, to have many of my online friends suddenly jump to conclusions that we were not an item, and with this realization I have now decided that from now on I will have to be more selective with my postings.
It is a shame, but although there are potentially a small handful of people out there that I am hoping to meet that I would be happy for something romantic to happen between the two of us, I will have to keep all my rendezvous secret or else I will be spending more time explaining the past than enjoying the present.

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