August 14, 2008

Joys of Blogging

There was a time when no one I knew had even heard of a blog let alone was the author of one, including my good self.
Then over time a few people plucked up the courage to brave the world of cyberspace and laid bare at least some of their lesser secrets for entertainment and a way of telling their story.
When it was my turn to let my fingers dance across a keyboard, I was glad that I had some prior touch typing experience to help me speed up the process of turning chaotic thought into legible writing.
Months drew by and even as I was beginning to wax and wane through the lows of self enforced regular postings most of my family began their own, some in great earnest.
Then with the seeds of my travel plans firmly planted I decided that it would be much more convenient for me to restart the blog that attempt to email everyone, both home and abroad, I dusted off the old password and began to write again.
Which brings me up to date, and now that I am almost back up to speed I have looked back at the blogs of my family to find that most have not posted anything new recently, some seemly having given up the ghost more than two month previous.

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