August 23, 2008

An Embassy that Rocks

If you ever decide to do some real backpack travelling in the Far East then I really strongly suggest that you pluck up the courage to take a trip to Cambodia.
Sure, it may have lovely countryside, beautiful women, Ankor Wat, cheap prices and religion practices that don't involve starting jihad's on anyone that has a shorter beard than they have, but the best reason is that you have to get a Entry Visa to go there.
What ... an Entry Visa being a good thing .... this is insanity I hear you cry.
Well no, not exactly, for aside from the fact that too many countries let in just anyone willy-nilly, the best thing about the Cambodia is that they are streaking ahead so to speak by allowing you to purchase your own visa online via their embassy website.
The form was incredibly easy to use, so easy that I only mucked it up three times from pure eagerness to complete it in record time, and another superb part was being able to send ANY decent solo head shot photo jpeg to attach to my application, instead of one of those sterile damn-i-wished-id-put-on-a-better-shirt-and-shaved-this-morning passport photos.
And what could make it even better, was that the embassy website had this lovely asian melody drifting through my speakers while I was doing it, so I got a real brief taster of being there before I even set out towards the airport.
In short ... it was a great experience and I'm now starting to think that a visa is a good idea once more, instead of continuing to liken them with a lawyers subpoena.

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