March 27, 2007

The Best Karma

All my friends & family I love dearly, and always will.
I love them when they are with me, I love them when I think about them, I love them when I read their mails / texts or answer their phone calls, and I even love them when I don't hear from them for month's on end.
I never stop loving them ... I really don't think I have got it in me to go show a cold shoulder to someone with whom I have shared true tears of laughter, joy or happiness.
But ... that doesn't mean that I always like them.
I don't like them when they forget to tidy my best room, when they rubbish my sense of humour, when they chose someone else to go on holiday with or when they seem to forget that I exist for ten out of twelve months in the year.
It may bring a slight smile to my lips when I get a text out of the blue from someone, but when it has been so long since the last text that I have actually deleted their number from my phone then it also reminds me of how they have allowed our friendship has slipped.
I don't have it in me to be outright nasty to someone who hasn't done anything actually harmful to me or those I love.
Anyone I consider a 'good person' will always be welcome in my house, in my company or in my various inbox's - but in truth I don't think I can get away with claiming that I never harbour the occasional stray darkish-grey thought about them every now and again.
All I will say, is that even at my best I'm still no saint, yet "forgiveness is not so much a two way street as a spaghetti junction, with the best Karma coming from experiencing forgiveness in all directions."
That said, if anyone is reading this feels that they should really keep my best room more tidy, laugh at my jokes, go on holiday with me, or get in touch more often then please don't let me stop you.
But keep in mind, forgiveness should only be given to someone who is sorry FOR saying / doing the wrong thing and who will try not to cause a repeatition, NOT to someone who said / did something freely and will happily do again but are sorry BECAUSE this time it was noticed / commented upon.

March 26, 2007

Lifes unexpected twists and turns

Drat's the cursed formatting of other peoples computers.
In an effort to remove the billion >>> marks and pointless spaces in my e-friends letters I changed my settings to plain text. It did help a lot.
Then when I came to write this blog entry I got three paragraphs into it, decided to try and add some italics, thus had to change back to rich text mid writing, and ZOWIE SHAZZAM ... managed to wipe it all out with no auto-save to restore from.
Don't you just HATE it when that happens !!!
What's worse is that I don't want to waste any time retyping it all out { especially as I have still got so much to add }, but if I don't then it just wont be starting off on the right foot, which I can't have either.
I mean, imagine where this blog might lead if I didn't stick to the path and just let my mind wander and type whatever drifts through it. Women, role play, massage, Freddie Mercury, x-rated websites, painting, holidays, sex, my next meal ... total anarchy, see what I mean!
So lets start at the beginning { where both my mother and English tutor both reliably lectured me time and again is always THE very sensiblest place to do it from } and let the rest just follow its lead.
For anyone who knows me, and / or regular readers of my blog, if I were to suggest that my life does not always seem to go according to plan, such a statement would not seem out of place.
Similarly, if I was to say that often my life seems like just a vortex of random localised events that land upon or around me one after the other, this too would not seem like a complete untruth.
Thus when I here put down that, even for my unusual standards, the last few weeks have been both filled to the brim and with plenty of things coming from far enough left field that I would normally consider them to be from a different ball park completely, you might begin to get a glimmer of what's in store for those who feel courageous enough to read on.
{ As always I won't say that I never lie, or that I never stretch the truth just a little to make a better story, but let's not forget the two age old sayings "there's nought as strange as folk" and that "you wouldn't believe me anyway even if I told you" which together fairly well sum up the last few weeks. }
In no particular order, as I can't really remember how any of this started, I'll just run through the things as they reappear in my mind and, if I get time at the end, I might try and cut-paste things into more a semblance of chronological order.
My good friend Susan moved into her house with her fiance David this week, and although they have been together for less than a year, knowing her and seeing them together, I do not doubt that they have the courage, the love and the devotion to grow their relationship from strength to strength, a love that I hope with all my heart will endure through all their years.
For the past ten months I have been writing blog entries and hoping that I could write interesting enough to have attracted and entertained a small but ever growing selection of readers, perhaps even to the point where they look forward to each new entry. However, after seeing my viewing figures almost double overnight following my Darwin Awards entry, I have to accept that there is an element of truth in the old saying of "no such thing as bad publicity".
Despite making a fool of myself and leaving myself open to ridicule to the entire cyberworld, it did seem that enough people though it worthy of reading that they stopped to have a look, and a few even chose to leave feedback. I don't think that I really want to try and repeat the experience, and I expect that anyone caught trying to get an award is banned from getting one for much the same reason as why anyone wanting to become a politician should be banned from becoming one, but at least it got a few more people reading my blog.
A track-side fire happened the other week, which meant that I could not take my normal route home, and so through a bit of luck and friendship, I was able to attend my friend Paola's Brazilian party that night and travel home after instead. This in itself is a bit bizarre as Paola and her cousin are both Colombian, yet I guess the party organisers couldn't find any suitable Brazilian dancers who were available, or perhaps they figures most of the clients would be too drunk to even notice the difference { and as it was at one of the BBC's club lounges, that's probably more the case }.
I was a little bit miffed that despite being promised free drinks at the bar as soon as I ordered the barman changes his mind, saying that his boss was watching and that he had to charge us for the drinks. Luckily I had my card on me, and have done a sterling job of not using my overdraft since getting my remortgage a few weeks ago. Unlucky for him, such blatant lying meant that he could kiss goodbye any notion of a tip or gratuity then and there.
But was really got my goat was that not only was Paola doing it for a favour for a friend, but that her friend cancelled as he said he was sick without letting anyone know AND as he was the DJ with all the music this meant that my friend and the rest of the dancers had no music to shake it on down to. After a long trip on a Friday night, they managed to track down a shop with some Brazilian music, and after a few photo opportunities I had to make my semi-drunken way home.
Following up a lead from my Colombian friend at work I have started using as a search engine for all sorts of stuff and have got a pretty high batting returns from it. So ok, I haven't found the dream writers job that she first suggested it to me for, but on the plus side its had other more successful results.
Firstly I met online a girl from Lancashire, who after a dozen or so emails has agreed to go on a fortnight cruise holiday around the Caribbean. She is a true kindred spirit, nutty, travel addict and totally bonkers ... we get along great already and we never even met yet.
Secondly I have met online a woman who has agreed to share a few memories with me over the coming Easter holidays. Furthermore as she is living in London we agreed to meet up for a couple of drinks to see if we had anything in common and things have gone from strength to strength. Without any description or photo, I could not have hoped to have chosen a better companion for my holiday.
Han is Chinese, slim, pretty, funny, cute, likes travelling, loves the cinema and movies, is single and suggested that we met up again over the weekend to carry on where we left off. Because we wanted to see the new movie '300' {9 out of 10} I chose to book into a hotel near her rather than struggle to get home on the last train and that only added to the time we spend together, meaning that I didn't return home until the following night.
{ With my typical stupidity, at the end of the film and after a hectic scramble to get there by midnight - the check in deadline - I tried in vein to convince the concierge at the Hilton Hotel that I REALLY DID have a reservation there that night, only to be extremely embarrassed by finally realising that I had actually pre-booked a room in the Britannia International Hotel, which was the building a few doors down on the same road !!! }
The following day I bought a new memory card for my new phone { 3G, 3.2 mega pixel camera, etc, blah, blah } and then went shopping with her before a trip to Greenwich museum, watching the new cartoon movie of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles { 7 out of 10 } sharing a couple of non-alcoholic cocktails, and finally headed back to Gillingham on a unheated train carriage where the lights also didn't work and the half dozen drunken chavs sitting directly behind me seemed to be playing tag-team-vomiting all the way from London Bridge to Lewisham.
The cold, the smell, the dark and the noise didn't bother me, I'd experienced a great deal of fun all weekend long and it was only fair to suffer a small amount of inconvenience for the privilege of doing so.
My new friend Han and I shared many interests, plenty of personal stories and if it wasn't the fact that she could very well be heading back to China for at least 6 months I would be now writing to say that I had found a new girlfriend. She could even top my story of dating a genuine Taikwando world champion ( best in her own height/weight category ), as her last boyfriend recently married Miss Vietnam 2004!
I have had a really nasty cold/cough/flu for the last few weeks and all it has done is yet again give me plenty of chance to paint my Orc & Goblin Army as I have been bedridden and unable to breath properly or suffer the outside cold without more layers of clothing than an Eskimo.
My former friend Cheryl completely blew my mind, by actually repaying the last £800 of the money that she borrowed over a year ago. Admitted I did have to inform her that I was about to dragging her cheating / lying ass through the small claims court with enough facts and figures to show that I was serious and not spouting hot air AND then refuse to answer her phone calls after that, but I still never believed that she would pay up until the last second before the subpoena was actually being personally handed to her in broad daylight.
The downside was that it was not her that delivered this unexpected boon, but her brother - a self confessed nutter who had done time inside for A.B.H. / G.B.H. and thought nothing of some serious rough-housing on anyone who dared "make my little sis cry". Being that I was still suffering from my flu, having to deal with such a potentially explosive situation was only made easier by the fact that my lodger and another friend were in at the time, and would fully back me up as eye witnesses had anything kicked off.
But even with the 3-1 number and home turf advantage, I still did everything I could in power to convince him that now I was being handed back the last of the money I was owed this was the matter done and sorted, with no further comeback or any need for me to try and make contact with his sister for any reason ever again. Admitted, it was not not every last penny back and it was without any interest either, but that was not the point at this late stage, anything was a relief.
The most amusing part of it all was that Cheryl had gone to all the trouble to type up a letter that required my signature to discharge the debt, but had called me David Dickinson. As tempting as it was to sign as such and know that by doing so the debt was still valid and the cash could not be traced back to me, my sense of fair play won out quickly and I signed correctly and had done with it.
I received a text message earlier today, from my Caribbean cruise co-holidayer, who was having a real nightmare of a European vacation and desperately needed my help in getting her, and her friend, back from Rome in one piece and as soon as was possibly under their newly truncated itinerary.
For some people, this might seem odd or even slightly stressful, but for me it was almost a formality. I called her up, clicked onto the Ryanair website and after a short chat led her verbally through their online booking form, before confirming and purchasing it using her own card. Easy, done and sorted without me even needing to leave my comfortable sofa - as as I had only just previously moved my PC downstairs to prevent me staying up past 11pm surfing the net or chatting to friends abroad and thus making myself late for work the following morning.
On matters of employment, although I have not found myself a new job yet, my sister Tamzin has and despite her having taken a few years out while her two grow up, she managed to grab a permanent job that pays a few hundred more than I take home after barely a month tempting for a city agency. Thus suitably landing on her feet, I am now even more encouraged to push myself for a better job, although for me it is a case of changing careers and not just recovering from a few years out through raising my children.
When I mentioned this to my boss, all her bluffs and trickery about how incredibly hard it is to get a job in London these days, or how I should be forever grateful for the salary that I do have, came crashing down around her ears and seeing as I am one of the lowest paid in the company and that I, along with many others in SMPA, am overdue for a pay review I am fully expecting not to have a repeat of another pay freeze like the last pay review I had. 
My role-play character died, the first of my characters ever to do so outside of a Cthulhu based system. It wasn't all my own fault, mainly I was just a lightly armed ranger that gave him last breath to save a fellow dwarf in over his head against four opponents. Although I barely survived the encounter I was comatosed by the damage inflicted upon me during the fight and then through an outrageously comical farce a wizard tried to physically carry me up a side of a cave mouth and managed only to fumble and drop me at the very cave mouth, sending my prone body falling back down and splattering my remains on the rocks below.
To add insult to injury there was a much stronger elf standing idly by just outside the cave entrance who thought it more urgent to guard a dead body that to assist in rescuing me from the cave below. The final salt in the wound was that my fellow Dwarf, who I laid down my life to try and save, caught an infection from his wounds and died from untreated fever barely a few hours after my own tragic demise.
My ex-housemate and one time gym partner has again befriended her ex-boyfriend and has now arranged to visit Kenya with him this coming week. I don't think it appropriate to attempt to wash anyone's dirty linen, save mine, on my own blog, but I will mention it in reference as it has meant that our twice weekly trips to the gym have come to a unexpected halt and also with her now holidaying with him it will leaves her precious few days holiday left this year to also plan an excursion with me later this year.
I sort of saw this coming, as she has drastically cut down the amount of text messages we are exchanging per week as of late, and also cancelled at the last minute from the group of friends we had gathered to go to the casino nightclub with last Friday. This was no small thing, as it was her idea to go in the first place and she even asked me to invite some other friends along, so for her to call off the do with no real explanation, notice or apology is a little bit rich to my way of thinking.
Furthermore seeing as I was first invited, and then sadly uninvited, to vacation with her to Rome at the start of this month, it seems as if the chances of us travelling together are once again being pushed back into the realms of barely remote possibilities. This more than anything else frustrates me, as I would rather not have had my hopes raised and then dashed so, and this is also one of the main reasons why we had our own falling out last year.
So with all this, along with the more mundane and everyday events that have been going on you can imagine that I have not had too much of a quiet life as of late, not that on the whole I am complaining, but it hasn't left much time for updating my blog or writing emails to those who I would normally like to have kept more in touch with.
Well I've gabbled enough for one day, so I will leave this humongous entry here and say that life is for living and so if ever my blog or emails are think on he ground, you can be sure its because I'm making the most of the here and now and that when things settle down again, as they always do, the following correspondence will be all the more interesting because of it.
Oh, and as my bro-in-law has had more views in a couple of months than I have had in ten I might follow his lead a little more in future.
So here goes ... 'name dropping bombshell'... star wars, chewbacca, st elmos fire, harrison ford, drew barrimore, jodi foster, pirate of the caribbean, snakes on a plane, 300, miss world, mr bean, michael j fox, ER, emerdale farm, bill hicks, darth vader, david southwell, george clooney, brad pitt, jedi, dirk pitt, harry harrison, isaac asimov, jar jar binks... etc, etc ... blah, blah ... waffle waffle
Has it worked ? Has my readership trebled overnight again ?? Only time will tell.

March 11, 2007

Give me a Darwin Award, quick.

Today I have to nominate myself for an Honorary Darwin Award, as there is no way of hiding the shame or of sharing the blame.

{for Reference; a Darwin Award is given to a person who manages to remove themselves from the human gene pool for the benefit of mankind and by someone who knows better. Thus a suicide, baby or lunatic cannot be given an award, but an open heart surgeon who tried a solo operation on himself certainly would.}

In my life I have done some pretty crazy things, some pretty stupid things and some downright dangerous things, but today tops the cake.

What I did was not something that was even potentially fatal, but by the rules governing the awards anyone who makes themselves completely unattractive to the opposite sex as to ever prevent procreation still get an honorary mention.

I've been scammed by clever con artists, I've allowed myself to be pickpocketted, I've paid for things I never wanted and lent money to people and then never seen them again, I've even been unable to best a small child who refused to go to sleep without a story, but all these pale against the event that happened just a few hours ago.

Today, despite my previous D.I.Y. experience OR the set of instructions in front of me, I was outwitted by a piece of bedroom furniture. Now I don't mean I something as trivial as being unable to assemble a flat pack wardrobe. No.

I don't mean I completed the task and then realised I had vital pieces still in the box at the end. No.

I don't EVEN mean that I erected something that was, after construction, far too big or small for the job. No.

All those I could suffer with only mild frustration and growing annoyance at myself or the person who designed / packed it.

No, today's effort on my part went waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past anything like that.

Well what is it?, I hear you ask.

In trying to deal with the humiliation I have to admit that during construction I totally lost track of all spacial awareness and actually managed to build it around myself and so ended up pinning myself against a wall with nowhere to go and no room to move, save to dismantle part of it and climb out.

So I ask you, if you were a self respecting woman, as some of my reading no doubt are, would YOU date a man so inept that he allows himself to be outwitted by an inanimate object, or worse beaten by an inanimate object that wasn't even there to start with?

No, I don't suppose you would, and I for one don't blame you for it in the slightest. I wouldn't date me either!

March 10, 2007

My Only Wish

"My only wish is to live a long and happy life, sleeping easy knowing I didn't sell my soul to the devil, the media or the government, and having helped others along the way as and when I could."

And anything else like love, raising a family, the respect of others, fame, fortune or my dream house in a warm country with a swimming pool ... well ... that's all just gravy really - nice to have, but far from essential ."

Thankfully I'm blessed with the benefit of geography and when combined with that I managed to make the most of an average education in a western civilisation, I figure that puts me in the top 5% of the worlds population, so I reckon I've got as good a chance as any to have my wish come true.

March 05, 2007

Shocked to the core

Every now and again I get a brief glimpse of what it absolutely totally feels like to be someone else.
Its clearer than an understanding, deeper than empathy, more personal than an epiphany ... its a total mind swap.
Today I was sent back in time almost fifteen years and swapped bodies with my A-Level Physics college professor, a guy I detested with a passion and shortly after this episode I dropped his subject and switched to an easier subject like open heart surgery or female intuition explanation.
The switch was open a few seconds long, as it only consisted of me grabbing his attention as he walked through the classroom, me asking him to explain why my answer differed from everyone else's.
In answer to my plea he came over, glanced at my workbook and as he did his face contorted into a complete state of disbelief/insult/revulsion and shock then remarked loudly "your algebra is crap" and then proceeded to walk away as fast as he could without breaking into a run.
As you can imagine, at the time I was still mystified as to why my answer was wrong, but thus humiliated I was left no option but to leave his class, secure in the knowledge that as my basic algebraic understanding was not that bad, thus it had to be the mix of advanced physics and advanced pure mathematics did not agree with my romantic and poetic mind.
But what made me feel this swap into such a horrid man, I can hear you cry.
Well it was a chance question that my bosses younger sister made at work this morning that sent me momentarily across the abyss to reach this previously unknown level of understanding from my old professors point of view.
The question "Ow many miws ar there in a leta?", or translated into plain English for those of you not fully conversant with Essex slovenly English "How many mills are there in a litre?".
Firstly she failed to understand that mills is short for millilitre.
Secondly she failed to understand that millilitres are just divisions of litres and that in the English way of thinking there are ten millilitres to a centilitre, one hundred centilitres to a litre, and thus a thousand millilitres to a litre.
But it was the Third part that scared the bejesus out of me ... out of the other four members of staff in the room, ( including two full company directors ), none of them seemed to think this to be a rather pointless or ignorant question to ask, one had no idea themselves and another commented on the number of mills into pints as if that was going to be of some help to the proceedings.
I ask you, with that kind of communal brain power and understanding all around me at my current company, is it any wonder why I'm chomping at the bit to leave and either work for myself or at least with others who's level of education and conversation is above the level of 'what the last bush tucker trial was like on tv last night' !!!

March 02, 2007

Known inside and out

Something happened to me yesterday which took my breath away for several reasons, and I will try to relate first hand as it actually happened.
After feeding my sisters cats, I knew that I had only four minutes left before my train was due to pull away, so I rushed out the door and along the short road to the train station.
Arriving with less than two minutes to spare, I surged through the ticket barrier and scrambled down the stairs to wait on the platform.
Catching my breath I looked both ways along the platform, scanning the faces of those around me and spotted a few familiar commuters as well the general milling of travellers, school children and college students.
The smell of recent rainfall was still fresh in the air and the sounds all merged into a low din that I did my best to block out and I looked once more at the people around me and judged where best to stand to get a seat.
Moments later my train pulled in and with hardly any jostling for position I alighted the train, but before I even had a chance to sit down my mobile buzzed its silent alarm to let me know that I had received a message.
Seating myself comfortably I took out my phone and read that my good friend had sent me a text message, wishing me good day.
Knowing that this was about the same time as she left on the opposite platform I quickly glanced out the train window just in time to see a glimpse of her before her own train pulled in and blocked my view.
So I sent back a quick reply saying that she was very keen eyed to spot me in such a short time, but what she sent next still rocked me to my core.
She said that of course I didn't spot her, as I was too busy looking at the Blonde that I was standing next to on the platform.
What got me was that, not only had I only been on the platform for less than a minute, and had been trying to be quite discreet in my viewing but also that the opposite platform she had clocked all this in the blink of an eye.
Apparently I have always been too easily tempted by glamoured women, and like a moth to a flame I doubt that I will ever be able to change.
It is both heartwarming and a little scary, that my oldest friends know me so well that they can tell exactly what is going on in my head without the need to express myself.
I believe that we are so close and understanding of each other that we have already taken the first step to true enlightenment, having cranked up our group empathy to as high as we can.

Hoopy Frood

Douglas Adams once wrote that you could tell if someone was a Frood if 'he knew where his towel was kept'.
Now, of course, for anyone not familiar with arguably his masterpiece, 'The Hitchhikers Guide' then that won't make any sense whatsoever, and sadly I'm in too much of a rush to explain it all properly here, so I'll just say that it isn't just a load of gibberish and let it stand there, for the time being at least.
Furthermore let me just add that we are currently in an age where almost everything is either electric, gas or battery powered, coming on at the touch of a button, and soon smoking will become almost a crime anywhere except in your own home.
Now that last statement might seem both obvious and irrelevant but it does go some way to explaining why fewer and fewer people these days will have access to matches.
So if I tell you that the other night I won several social gold stars from my lodger and his friends the other night, when within two minutes of the entire street being plunged into darkness through a power cut, I had managed to locate the matches and two dozen tea-light candles and had created a perfectly ambient light and atmosphere in the front room by which to talk.
This act itself was topped off as we had only just finished making a round of tea for everyone, so while the rest of the street around us was milling around in a darkened frustrated semi-panic, we were just sitting and chilling in my best room with drinks, able to see just fine and without even the tiniest moment of discomfort or chaos.
Thus, not trying to outdo DA, but along the same wave patterns ( imitation with recognition, I have heard, is the highest form of flattery ), I now put forward that also a Hoopy Frood is ALSO a guy 'who knows where his tea-lights are kept'.
And in the spirit of mutual sexual empowerment for both genders, perhaps it should be that a Hoopy Frood is a person who knows where their tea-lights are kept, only I kind of get the feeling that it was meant to only apply to men when it was first laid down, so ... who knows!?!