March 02, 2007

Known inside and out

Something happened to me yesterday which took my breath away for several reasons, and I will try to relate first hand as it actually happened.
After feeding my sisters cats, I knew that I had only four minutes left before my train was due to pull away, so I rushed out the door and along the short road to the train station.
Arriving with less than two minutes to spare, I surged through the ticket barrier and scrambled down the stairs to wait on the platform.
Catching my breath I looked both ways along the platform, scanning the faces of those around me and spotted a few familiar commuters as well the general milling of travellers, school children and college students.
The smell of recent rainfall was still fresh in the air and the sounds all merged into a low din that I did my best to block out and I looked once more at the people around me and judged where best to stand to get a seat.
Moments later my train pulled in and with hardly any jostling for position I alighted the train, but before I even had a chance to sit down my mobile buzzed its silent alarm to let me know that I had received a message.
Seating myself comfortably I took out my phone and read that my good friend had sent me a text message, wishing me good day.
Knowing that this was about the same time as she left on the opposite platform I quickly glanced out the train window just in time to see a glimpse of her before her own train pulled in and blocked my view.
So I sent back a quick reply saying that she was very keen eyed to spot me in such a short time, but what she sent next still rocked me to my core.
She said that of course I didn't spot her, as I was too busy looking at the Blonde that I was standing next to on the platform.
What got me was that, not only had I only been on the platform for less than a minute, and had been trying to be quite discreet in my viewing but also that the opposite platform she had clocked all this in the blink of an eye.
Apparently I have always been too easily tempted by glamoured women, and like a moth to a flame I doubt that I will ever be able to change.
It is both heartwarming and a little scary, that my oldest friends know me so well that they can tell exactly what is going on in my head without the need to express myself.
I believe that we are so close and understanding of each other that we have already taken the first step to true enlightenment, having cranked up our group empathy to as high as we can.

1 comment:

mirk said...

No matter where you go in this big wide world there will always be someone you know that spots you.

That's life!

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