run-of-the-mill, 9-to-5 slog that I am used to living.
Over the weekend I found out that my old lodger thinks that I am being
an ass over the whole trip around the world idea, and thinks that when
I get back I might be more approachable. Ha, some chance he's got as
he still owes me the £300 or more that he slipped away with by not
paying his rent or cleaning bill for the last month and a half.
My brother in law is having a bad time, partly due to the fact that he
is trying to come off the mood stabilizers, has had too many days off
work already through mind illnesses and as now dumped my sister and
their three kids in order to sort himself out.
My sister thinks that it will be a nice break to not have the kids for
the occasional weekend that he will be back when he regains sanity and
misses her. We hope that she will gain her sanity while he is away and
not take him back.
I was trying to be as unbiased as I could be, that was until he called
me more than a few nasty names and words, that regardless of his
mental fragility is unacceptable and so I have no qualms about no
longer being his friend.
Meanwhile his sister has recently also split with her long term
boyfriend after he took too long to decide to go back to work, and now
that he has she has kicked him out, so its certainly all change there.
Over the weekend I met up with an old friend from another country, who
was engaging and entertaining for awhile, but as she chose to speak
French almost non-stop the whole time she was here, knowing full well
that I can't speak French, this kind of took the shine off an
otherwise wonderful reunion.
They also had a bbq at which I was the only guy, and the women were
from Belgium, France, Italy, Maritius and Kenya, and maybe thats why
they joked that my round the world trip starts here, but to me it was
just like their last bbq in Ireland where again I was the only
Englishman and everyone was speaking German!!!
A using wastrel blast from the past ex friend called me on my mobile
phone last night, but thankfully my phone must have second guessed my
intention and intercepted his call automatically diverting it
harmlessly to my answering service, from where I was able to cut him
off mid sentence and delete it without even bothering to hear what he
had to say this time round.
My frustration about being my best friends least favourite friend is
rearing its ugly head again, but as it has now becoming something of a
repeating pattern I can ignore it no longer, and have started to let a
sad possibility seep into my psyche, to wit ... thinking that perhaps
I am deluding myself that we are in face best friends, when more
simply put perhaps I am just another close friend, or even just good
acquaintances who share a happy and eventful past.
I keep meaning to corner her about this, but to compound my
frustration she is notoriously hard to pin down for a private
conversation even for a few moments, and it is not the kind of chat
that I feel comfortable bringing up in mixed company for obvious
reasons, especially as at the moment she feels that I hate her
My other sister and her family, the one that I live with, have two
weeks off work and thus the early morning routines and noises are
eerily missing when I wake up, and sometimes they are enough to lull
me back to sleep before I realise why they are missing and that I
still, for a few weeks longer, am not afforded the luxury of choosing
if I want to go to work today or not.
My friend and old colleague has begun trying to get more people to
come out during the sunshine by emailing them instead of me, and thus
I often do not find out that she even asked unless my co-workers
decide among themselves if indeed they do want to go or not, by which
time I have normally decided to do something else already and am then
forced to scrap my plans or miss out on a lazy sunbathing chat with
My new laptop has arrived, is up and running and I have begun the task
of amending the settings, downloading and installing all the necessary
programs and drivers required, and sorting out a new USB only mouse
and night vision webcam, as well as loading it all up with as many
videos and music files as I can, in case I get extra bored on
My bosses younger sister asked me out to lunch today, offering to pay
up as she had promised when she found out I was being made redundant,
only to realise as she got to the counter that she had only enough
money for herself. Funny that back in the office she found another £10
tucked away in her miniature handbag, oh well ... as they say, it is
the thought that counts.
The ex-friend-bitch from hell, who joined my company last year,
surprised us all by saying that she did not have any personal problems
with me and even went as far as to happily sign my leaving card –
whether she put in a contribution though is another matter entirely,
but to be honest I don't give a fig either way. I am going, I am happy
to be going, I would have quit had they not made me redundant, and I
would not have stayed had they tried to offer me with anything less
than a £10K rise in salary.
I am only a few short weeks away from the biggest upheaval of my
entire life, and I can't wait ... itchy feet, my whole bodys on fire.
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