July 07, 2008

Nights of fun - pt 2

Friday night was a trip right after work with friends to a meal, a west end show of Hairspray followed by a post show drink chaser before again the last train home.
Working through lunch I was able to twist my bosses arm into letting me leave work an hour early, something that I don't normally do and one reason why I was less than happy that everyone else was late arriving and even more-so when the restaurant we went to was closer to my work place than where we had agreed to meet.
I would like to think that I am the kind of person who can get on with anyone, yet despite my best friend being the most perfect of people, I would have to say that we all live in an imperfect place and the welcome and introduction that her sister gave me to her husband was enough to make me start to regret coming along.
Hairspray the show was a great rollocking bundle of fun, along with a few moral messages that people should all get along regardless of race, age, background or size. I was not too blind to notice that a similar subtle message crept into 'Avenue Q' and began to wonder whether all modern musicals are going to be infected by comments about morals and ethics, as certainly the older classics like Phantom of the Opera and Sweenie Todd are much more steeped heavily in their own story with hardly any subliminal moral lessons.
During the interval we had a swap around of seating, primarily so that we could all sit as a group, but personally I would have preferred my original closer seat with the only single female in the group rather than a group lot at the back and stuck once again next to my friends sister. Had I realised at the time what my friend was waving to me abuut as I was about to retake my seat I think that I would have tried to pretend not to have seen them and remained where I was regardless, but after walking all the way round I couldn't then snub them.
After show was over, which was good but didn't get as loud or as long a round of clapping as Phantom { possibly either cos of the performances or because of other people also being privately disgusted about the moral issues overshadowing the story } I felt that I had suffered enough and so chose to skip the aperitif and headed home what would have been earlier, had I not decided to take a brief pit stop halfway for a bit of a chill out and unwind session.

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