September 20, 2006

Some people are beyond stupid

Steve Irwin was a great ambassador for wildlife and dealing humanely with problem animals. It was a very sad day when news broke he had been killed while shooting a new series by a stingray that pierced his heart with its poisonous barbed tail.
This is very sad and very tragic.
But what is very pathetic and moronic is that now it would appear that people are going out and killing stingrays, either in revenge, panic or to deal with the loss in their own way.
These people sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo don't get it.
This is the very last thing in the world that Steve would ever have wanted and if he were here now I bet anything you like he would be one of the first to go into the water and stand between the killers and the rays himself.
A view I have often thought is that the sooner we find a way to kill ourselves off without destroying the rest of the planet the better, and one I believe has been echoed in many films and stories.

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