September 20, 2006

The Human Races Stupidity Goes Ever Onward

Two very newsworthy stories that reached the headlines today are the bloodless coup in Bangkok, Thailand ( a country I have wanted to visit for a long time, and where my ex girlfriend is both from and was recently fearing she might be economically forced in returning to ) and a very bloody clash of protesters and officers in the Hungarian capital of Budapest ( where I have just come back from a few weeks back ).
What else made the news that continues to show the worlds misunderstanding of each other ... the Pope making a very public speech reciting a passage from an old christian text, on the prophet Mohammed, which contained words like "inhuman" and "evil".
To me, not only do the words "pot" and "kettle" spring to mind, but also i feel that to loudly voice it in public will only succeed in inciting further hatred between the two religions.
If humanity ever hopes to survive itself then it had better start to learn to go beyond the petty schoolyard antics of name calling and try to focus on the things we all have in common.
But if its a giant worldwide bloodbath that everybody really wants then fine, go ahead and don't mind me .... but oh, just let me take a short trip to the moon for a grandstand view with enough pizza, monster munch and cherry coke to keep me going from now til doomsday first, eh!

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