September 13, 2006

Fun of Geneology

I have decided to give you a bit of a taster of why I like history and travelling so much, as you can hear some really funny stories that can sometimes even bring a tear to your eye.
First off, is a bit of Geneology ( that's "Gene" and "-ology" together, meaning researching your family tree, for those like me who have never heard of it til now ).
Anyways, apparently according to diaries and newspaper clipping my great, great, grand father ( maybe I've missed a great or two, not quite sure ! ) on my mothers side had a very peculiar penchance for nature.
In particular he loved water and naturism, so much so in fact, that we rather fear he fancied the life of a frog over his own.
Why do we think say this? Well its due to the fact that at one time or another he was a rich landowner with a nice old mansion house, but instead of hosting the normal hum-drum of balls and music recitals, he would do his best to seal up the lower floors and flood them with water, before going swimming naked for hours at a time.
Luckily for us, with him being both male and rich he was never properly diagnosed or committed to an asylum, so thankfully us later generations can still say with a clear conscience that there is no clinical insanity in the family ... at least not yet!
What is a more scary is that in those same times if you were a single mother that was all the justification they wanted or needed to send you off to the asylum.

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