October 22, 2006

When friends go bad

There is an age old saying "Never a borrower nor a lender be".
I have never really held this true, and on this occasion I chose to lend a good friend { at that time he was one of my very closest and had been for years } some money to get himself a 2nd hand car and I also lent his my two television sets.
I won't go into the hows or whys, because it irrelevant { just take my word that he's an overbearing, paranoid and jealous pr*ck and I finally got sick of his behaviour}, just the result is we parted as friends.
The bad news is that he had not repaid me the money I lent him when we went our separate ways. The fact that he was now not going to repay me the money I was prepared to grudgingly accept, but I saw no reason why I should let him continue to enjoy viewing tv on my television sets.
So I arranged with his girlfriend {my true best friend for many year} to collect it over this weekend. However when I rang up on Friday to find out what time he replied that they were already outside waiting for me to collect.
That's right, this complete and total puss boil on the face of humanity had decided that he didn't want me even entering his house to collect my own belongings, and without telling anyone had just thrown them out and let them stand out in the rain all day.
What a ******* waste of space he really is, and what a way to thank me for all the years of friendship and trust I gave him in me lending him the sets in the first place.
It really makes me stop and think ... I believe that there is much truth in
As pure and innocent as snow, we are born into this world - and it isn't until we are shat upon by those we once had a care for, that we lose this innocence and begin to distrust and disrespect the world and everyone in it.
But we must not let them win. We must not give in to the hate, distrust and double standards that are rife in this world. We who want to live in a better world, must go on caring, must go on trying and be prepared to be hurt in the hope of finding true happiness.


David said...

It is easier for the good to be taken advantage of than the bad. And you are a good man.

Anonymous said...

One good turn deserves another...but I really don´t understand how´s possible that people can change their characters so immediately!We get on like a house on fire and suddenly there are no words to say..strange

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