October 22, 2006

Wonderful Praise

I popped round to visit my sister last night, as part of an errand to feed my other sisters cats, but of whom I could not find her front door keys.

As it turned out I had got the wrong weekend, so didn't have to rush off at a certain time, and so instead I decided to stay for a bite to eat and a bit of a chat.

During the conversation my sister said that she had inherited our mothers fondness for "decent and respectable" people, almost to the level of being a snob.

As we all shared our families very humble beginning, we all like to think that we have bettered ourselves throughout our lives, so to call each other a snob now and again is not always such an insult as it first turns sounds.

For example, I am very houseproud, so I don't mind being called a snob in that all the furniture in my house is new and not second hand off my sisters or leftovers from the previous house owner.

But what put a huge beaming smile on my face is what she turned round and said about me, but before I tell you, can you guess what it was?

Well it was the matter of fact statement - "But not you Dickon, you will look for the good in anyone!"

It may sound like a line from a politically correct movie, but to hear it from my own sister { who never pulls her punches when she's with me } when its just immediate family around, made me feel like a billion euros or more.

Personally I feel tat it is important for my own self esteem & self respect to live up to a set of principals that I set for myself, but to learn that others not only notice but grudgingly admire me for it is even better.

After that even the drizzling rain on the way home could not dampen my high spirits.


David said...

I think any praise I now offer you is redundant.

BloggerSpamFilterisBias said...


Your relentless and unwaivering confidence in me, both creatively and emotionaly, has helped steer me to many of my successes.

You are like my very own one man ad-campaign selling "Dickon for World President".

Having values you have reminded and encouraged me to stay true to now being respected by others reflects well on us both.

In other words, thanks for the help and keep it coming!

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