February 24, 2007

Battered & Bruised

Part of the changes to my life this year, that I set about planning towards the end of the last one ( year not life !!! ) was to do my best to become more healthy.
Thus a regime of more sleep, better food, more exercise and less fizzy drinks has been the order of the month, and to date its been a mixed blessing.
Although eating after 11pm is never the best idea it is still true that eating healthy food after 11pm is better than eating junk food. Also having a take away pizza, chinese or indian may seen like a bad idea but there again, only having a fatty meal once a week is better than having it four times a week.
Cutting out the fizzy drinks was a real heartbreaker, as for all its sins I do enjoy a glass of fresh coca cola, and as for cherry coke and traditional lemonade, well ... that's my three most favourite drinks all gone in a single stroke. If its any consolation to me its that I have only totally given up carbonated drinks for lent, and so after Easter they are back on the menu, even if at a vastly reduced number as previously.
Thanks to the encouragement and partnership with my former lodger Sharon, I have also taken up going to the gym at least two times a week, but it is this part that has hit me hardest, due to my now apparent lack of any physical fitness. Looking at my body from the outside few would say that I am either fat or look unhealthy, however after just a few nights training whats going on in my insides speaks a whole different matter.
Aches, pains, stiff joints and bruises appearing out of nowhere are testiment to the fact that its been far too long since I have engaged in enough activity to think of myself as fit. The likelihood of me entering this years London to Brighton cycle race is dimishing with each day as I feel progressively more unfit.
When added with my other friend Ann's desire to go trampolening for just one hour on Friday night, I must say that this seemed to me to be an easy chance to grab a few health brownie points for little or no effort. Oh how wrong I was, or to put it another way ... when I'm wrong im not just a little bit wrong, im a whole wrecked body wrong.
My wrists feel as if they have been removed and then replaced through surgery, my back feels like ive been used as a football pitch, and I feel as fragile as man made of prawn crackers .... the slightest wrong move and ill come apart.
However, despite these seeming complete body fitness breakdowns, I am determined to at least put in a good effort to carry on with my health kick, before it ends up as yet another good idea let down through any lack of commitment or effort on my part.
Assuming that I make it to my birthday in April, I hope to be able to spend a week travelling around Greece, which should perk me right up, and then in August I've a wedding in Scotland to look forward to.
Thus, by the time that I get to next January I should be in a great shape to go on the caribbean cruise for 14 days, that I have recently agreed to go on with yet another friend called Nikki.

1 comment:

mirk said...

You do realise you will have to stick to the keep fit regime in order to wear a kilt to that wedding. Otherwise we won't let you across the border.

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