The slightly less eratic ramblings of a cthulhu obsessed married writer
July 30, 2007
A Fond Fairwell To Words
July 29, 2007
Busy Doing Nothing
This weekend I have been exceedingly busy doing nothing at all, and I feel that I am quite getting good at it.
On the socialising side, my lodger is away, my dad is tending a wounded wife ( domesticated pet attack, don't ask ! ), my close family had a day at the beach and all my good friends are busy making bread, trotting off up north to see old flames, watching planes go by, planning for weddings - you know, the usual sort of thing.
Each and every one a perfectly respectful and adequate reason to not want to see anyone this weekend but, well darn it the timing of all of them to be busy at the same time is not fair at all.
I could have done my own chores of course, to while away a perfectly good weekend, but I was lied to about the weather. If I had known that it was going to be glorious sunshine both days I would ignored the damaged cycle and gone right to repairing my garden fence.
If the weather had of been pelting down, then I would have been perfectly happy scrubbing the bathroom, shuffling paperwork or turning down the bed.
But as it was, with such a contrast of positive and negative aspects to what should have been, and indeed could have been a blinding weekend, I could only pluck up the interest to do no more than a few small bits around the house, watch a few movies, try to invade Germany as the USSR and read a few blog entries.
I didn't even manage to rouse myself into replying to a few emails that were semi urgent or finding my long lost A-level documents so that I could complete and return my recruitment agency from.
In the words of the 'now' Immortal Homer ... DOH
July 25, 2007
Two In As Many Days
July 24, 2007
Too Good To Be True !?!
July 17, 2007
Just when I think that I have got a handle on women, they throw me yet another twist!
That has been the confused cry of billions of men all down throughout history, and is as true today as it was when William the Conqueror came over to England from France.
Thing is, in all this time, we still haven't managed to get any more idea of what they are doing, or why, and that's a pity.
It's a pity as it means that there will probably always likely be pointless arguements between man and his partner for all eternity.
For myself, I've given up trying to find a partner, or even trying to understand my female friends.
All I do now is enjoy the good companionship they grant me, try to experience as much that life has to offer, and hope more than anything that when things between me and them do go pear shaped { which they always do seem to do for one reason or another } that the rift created will not be too deep and that before too long we can try to pick up the pieces and move on.
If anyone, male or female, has a better guaranteed way for me to try and view women / handle female friendships, then please let me know... { but send it to me privately so I can then announce it to the world publicly as my own and make a fortune in book sales, ha ha }
July 12, 2007
The Twelve Tasks of Dickonius
July 11, 2007
Becoming a real life hero
But being an accountant ... I mean, really ... what earthly good am I doing anyone by sitting at a desk, getting steadily fatter and older, bashing out numbers on a keyboard day-in day-out?
I love to help people, I enjoy working with my hands, I get a thrill out of seeing a visible reward for my efforts, the outdoors has a strong pull for me, I cannot get enough of travel, I get bored easily doing the same thing and I feel extremely guilty for not doing more towards the many flora / fauna conservation causes that I strongly agree with.
July 09, 2007
Only the other month I found out that I am not the first person in my family to visit Colombia, as my uncle and aunt went there a few years back.
Neither am I the only person I know who has made plans to travel around the world. Plenty of people I know have taken years out and went backpacking across entire continents, and one guy that I occasionally catch the same train home told me just last week that he had successfully made three world trips.
My friend David has been to Timbuktu, and one of the consultants at work is so well travelled that he has gone to USA over seventy times, that's three times more visiting just one country than all the countries I have even been to in my entire life.
Now admittedly all these other people are older than me, with my uncle and the consultants both well into their retirement, but the truth of the matter is, I will never be the most travelled person I know unless I become a hermit or devote my entire life to doing nothing but travelling for the next thirty years of my life.
Is this such a bad thing? No, not really. Life is not all about being the world best at anything, or at lest not for me, it is about the journey. I could give up everything I know and do nothing but travel until my feet drop off or I really do become the most travelled man on the planet, but what sort of warped achievement would that really be.
Unless I have some great stories to tell, a few cracking photos to display AND some good friends and family willing to listen to me, in the end what will it all have gotten me!?!
In 100 years time, who would care that Dickon Springate surpassed all other men and travelled to every country on the entire world?
Would I be hailed as a revolutionary and spiritual guru with big marble statues erected in my honour, or be ridiculed as a lonesome wandering bum never recorded as doing anything worthwhile except juggle a myriad of passports or be able to ask "At what time does the train leave?" in a dozen different languages?
No, as I have said before, for me life is a journey not a destination. I have always intended to enjoy the ride and get as much out of it as possible, but to make it the only thing in my life would be to have made a wasted journey.
And so, although I am not handing in my passport just yet, I am considering exchanging my wandering shoes for something a bit more comfortable.