December 27, 2009

My Noughties

Inspired by the BBC's "The Noughties, was that is?" - I have decided to check to see if I was in the noughties!

100 - The Millennium - I never believed that anything was going to happen to the computers and didn't visit the Experience
099 - Flash Mobs - The only one I ever witnessed was the group at Victoria station who danced and listened to their ipods all at once
098 - Jukebox Musicals - I've never been to a jukebox musical, in fact I've only seen about 3 musicals in my life
097 - Tanorexia - I have never been on a sunbed or used tanning lotion and don't plan on starting any time soon
096 - David Cameron as leader of Tories - Never voted for either Labour or Conservative and it's unlikely that I ever will
095 - CCTV - I dislike them for being too invasive and don't think that they are doing the job that they were brought in to do
094 - Kabbalah - Never been interested in it, and equally neither have I been to a Scientology seminar
093 - Celebrity Baby Names - I don't have any kids of my own, but I've always thought that parents don't think enough about baby names
092 - Sporting Boomerang - I followed our ashes win and olympics, but our soccer team suck and will never forget the 'Hand of Crouch'
091 - Coffee - I have always liked simple tea, coffee and hot-chocolate, and its a mystery why it suddenly got complicated
090 - Charity Fatigue - Charity starts at home and I hate the high street menace that accosted you walking around town
089 - Space Tourism - Nice idea, but I think there are far too many places on this planet that I haven't been to yet
088 - Nanny State - I think we have gone too far, that its totally wrong and it really is political correctly gone insane
087 - Blogging - Well, if your reading this then do you really even need to guess what my views and experience of this one is?
086 - The Davinci Code - Read half of it when I was in the Dominican Republic and finished it when I got back to the UK
085 - Metrosexuals - I am not a Metrosexual man ... I just don't care enough about my own look enough, though maybe I should!
084 - Celebrity Weddings - I hate weddings as a rule and I would never spend money to find out about any Celebs wedding
083 - China - I have been there three times and am trying to start a business there, its just not my favourite non UK destination
082 - Internet Shopping - I do some, but not much, mainly just Ebay / Amazon and travel tickets
081 - Wembley Woe - I visited the stadium long enough to take a few pictures, but that's about it
080 - Athiest - For me its about my own logic, belief and moral compass and how it clashed with all the organised religions
079 - Wellbeing - I like to try and be more happy and I don't really care about finding what are my intolerances
078 - The British Are Coming - Apparently we stormed Hollywood & the US, all I can say is that I love Hawaii but not Vegas
077 - Hoodies - I actually got kicked out my local supermarket cos I had the hood of my rainmack up as I walked in, outside it was -1 degree
076 - Art for Art's sake - I'd say no to Damien Hurst. Bansky is interesting but it's still graffiti at the end of the day
075 - Primani - I do shop in Primark myself, as I would have to be rich before I'd spend a fortune on nothing but clothes
074 - DVD - I rarely view a DVD's extra features, but mainly as the extras are hardly ever worth watchinh
073 - High Definition TV - I don't own one, but my friends huge flatscreen tv is ace for watching movies
072 - Nepotism - Celebrities hold no interest for me and relatives of z-list celebrities even less, if that's possible
071 - SatNav - The worst car crash I ever had was caused by me distracting the driver over their stupid SatNav
070 - The Parenting Boom - Too many children having kids of their own & too many idiotic people cloning themselves
069 - Size Zero - Size 8 to 12 are the ideal sizes for women ( as in they have curves ) and anyone below that is just flat
068 - Organic Food - If it wasn't double the price, half the flavour and hard to get hold of then I possibly would buy more
067 - Properties & Estate Agents - I own my own house but through an unusual set of circumstances I am not living there at the moment
066 - ASBOS - Just what every wannabe gangster wanted - free government issued badges of dishonor that prevent nothing
065 - Celebrity Adoption - If they can't have kids of their own then fine, but just for a status symbol, gimme a break
064 - Drugs Reclassification - I have friends that smoke but I have always kept my own distance and objections on Cannabis
063 - Celebrity Virgins - WFT ... I don't know and don't care, but I'd never marry someone I had not had sex with
062 - Shock Docs - Bizarre medical complaints televised ... give me House MD anyday
061 - Take That #2 - What is this doing on a list of important things that happened in the decade, is this a joke
060 - Obesity - Same as with 'Size Zero' (069) - What happened to normal shaped people, we are becoming a minority
059 - Botox & Facelifts - If you are disfigured / ugly then its ok, otherwise its just vanity taken to the extreme
058 - Business TV - I do have a guilty pleasure of liking Dragons Den and the Apprentice, if only for the morons who go on it
057 - Internet Dating - I just knew that this was going to crop up, and what a pile of crap there is out there these days
056 - Queens Golden Jubilee - I didn't celebrate it, didn't even realise it had happened this decade
055 - Free Running - I loved it as an idea and in movies, but you won't catch me doing it as im just not that flexible
054 - Personal Transport - Especially the Segway, I've ignored tours if they were featuring them and the micro scooter is a toy
053 - Sushi - I actually like it and am slowly building up a tolerance for wasabi mustard
052 - Festival - I have been to a couple, but they are normally too boring, too crowded and too much sitting around waiting
051 - Celebrity Outlaws - There is no higher class of civilians just cos your a celeb and they should be punished equally
050 - Yoga - Never tried it, but enjoyed watching the Chinese practice Tai-Chi with a beatbox in the alley behind the hotels
049 - Doctor Who - Another guilty pleasure, I have enjoyed David Tennant's reincarnation of the Doctor
048 - Celebrity Rage - So many of these are about Celebs and its the same arguement, they are only human
047 - Fad Diets - I am lucky enough to be fairly healthy, fairly active and fairly young thus I don't yet need any special diet
046 - The Makeover Boom - Some people suggests that I need one, as my clothes fashion stinks but it wont happen
045 - Girls Aloud - Erm ... Soft porn for Top of the Pops with only average songs at best, but sexy nonetheless
044 - The Bush Years - Possibly the worst 8 years in American political history and glad they are behind us
043 - Congestion Charge - Just yet another stealth charge to the average motorisms and sadly spreading beyond London
042 - Mobile Ringtones - Overly loud. Thankfully I have got a quiet one that is also fairly inoffensive
041 - Medical Marvels - Nice idea in theory but too many resourced being gobbled by the few, I prefer natural selection
040 - The Smoking Ban - It might be healthy for all but its been the death of the good old british boozer
039 - Coldplay - Um ... another average band but nothing special, and I have no idea why they are on the list
038 - Carbon Footprint - I try to recycle, use only what I need and don't drive but I won't pay extra to offset
037 - Paedogeddon - It is a mental problem, not a criminal choice, so why not kill them as they cannot be rehabilitated
036 - Lads Mags - Never read one, but they seem to be yet another soft porn magazine just with fast cars
035 - WAG - Yet more celebrity nonsense. I could never pull one, afford one or keep one, in fact I prefer real women
034 - Teenage Parties - Well I'm no teenager anymore, and I hated hosting them but it was the only way to get invited
033 - Games Consoles - I did own a PS2 but I gave it to my ex as a leaving present, it worked and she left. I also like guitar hero
032 - Electric Car - I don't drive, but like the idea and would probably get one if it was practical for me
031 - Dogging - Never tried it and not sure if I'd want to but I have been caught having sex outdoors in the past
030 - Binge Drinking - Never been a big fan of alcohol and rarely even have a drink let alone get drunk
029 - Celebrity Brands - I buy stuff I can afford from a brand I think I can trust, not because a celeb endorses it
028 - The Wire - The most dull cop show I ever watched, and that was because I had nothing better to do
027 - Celebrity Newspapers - Not another celeb entry, does it never stop. Read my lips, "I DON'T CARE"
026 - EMO - Technically I'm closer to a EMO than a GOTH or a CHAV but that's not saying much.
025 - Mobile Phone - Mine is 4 years old and most of the time its switched off, though might like a blackberry
024 - Posh Cider - I have always been a cider drinker, now I just have more choice
023 - Harry Potter - I kind of like the films but have not read any of the books and probably never will
022 - Genital Topiary - On a woman I prefer a Hollywood strip to a full Brazilian but on me its a tried and tested no
021 - High School Musical - I am not a parent so I missed this whole kiddie band wagon with this one
020 - Celebrity Chefs - Celebrities , again ... If I want a recipy of a new idea I will ask one of my sisters, not a prat on tv
019 - The Credit Crunch - Yes, I regrettably contributed to this and am currently financially screwed a sa result
018 - Jordan vs Katie - Ugh ... where is the vomit bucket. She was good looking as a teenager but on turning 19 went insane
017 - Celebrity Rehab - Yet more Celebs. Look, just take them away and don't ever bring them back
016 - Roasting - I didn't know what it was til now, have never done it and don't know any couple I'd want to do this with
015 - Youtube - I like it for viewing music video clips or funny clips off of emails but that's about it
014 - Ballroom Blitz - I don't dance, and though I like watching women dance not when its celeb couples
013 - Pandemics - I've never really lost sleep over any of them and it doesn't stop me doing anything
012 - Mac of PC - I am a not a Mac or a PC, but I do enjoy using my very inexpensive laptop, which happens to be an Esystems
011 - The War On Terror - What a load of phony excuses to funds war profiteers and for Bush to stay in power
010 - Barack Obama - I was travelling when I heard that he won but it was no surprise as he was the only candidate on tv
009 - Realitiy TV - I saw some of the first UK Big Brother series but the later series and its competition ... not really
008 - Jade Goody - The biggest WTF and OMG on the whole list, the sooner we forget and move on the better
007 - Social Networking - I'm on facebook, as are most of my family and friends, but nothing beats real conversation
006 - CHAV - ok, so it came from Kent, but that's as close to a CHAV as I ever want to be associated
005 - The Blair Years - The only thing I can really say is that I lived through them and am glad that they are behind me
004 - Gay Marriage - I'm not gay but I see nothing wrong and if it makes economic and emotional sense then why not
003 - Google - At last, one that I can really get behind. I use this google almost every day and am very happy with it
002 - Simon Cowell - I watch the first few rounds of X-factor and Britains got Talent, but I could do so without Simon
001 - Text Messages - The easiest way to start an accidental argument with a friend or partner. Acceptable for small details


Looking back, I would say that I am not a very noughties person, despite it having the best years of my life so far.

My sister asked me to try and put a figure on my % of noughtiness, so after going over it a few times, and rouding up or down as I saw fit, I would say that I was aware of 90% of the things on the list, that I agree that around 60% of them should be on the list as important, but I was only happy that 40% of them were on the list.
Looking forward, I have no idea of what the teenies will herald, but I am hoping to get out of debt, find a job I like, finish writing my travel book, learn to drive, not be living in a country at war, be happy, be healthy and be free of serious illness and disease.


Unknown said...

I disagree with #34, your parties were legendary! As for #31, I don't want to know!

BloggerSpamFilterisBias said...


Oh, well of course the ones at school were indeed legendary, but its the 18th and 19th ones that i have thanfully deleted from my memory, lol

But I am glad that this place still gets people reading and thinking :o)

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