As anyone can tell you, I have never been a big one on organised religions, but I do have a very firm sense of what is right and wrong, and every now and again a line or two of my old Sunday School teaching will come back to me.
Today, the truest meaning of the what the Roman statesman, philosopher, and orator, Marcus T. Cicero meant when he said, "As you have sown so shall you reap." { 50 years later a very similar quote is used in - Galatians 6:7 } popped up in my very own little life.
It also showed that it really is a very small world.
On a number of occasions in this blog I have hinted that a woman, whom I know from working in London, has caused me considerable amounts of unnecessary financial grief, stress and worry.
This person is one of the main reasons why I have had to shelf my dream home idea for a few years, and also why I have had to remortgage my house and thus lose most of the equity in doing so to clear debts that were in my name but were chiefly in her best interest. And all this from someone who was suppose to be a close and trusted friend.
Well today she learned the hard way the real meaning behind the a-fore mentioned quote and it was just beautiful to behold.
It all began because she herself has caused so much grief at her current job that she has found herself facing the choice of either jumping early or being pushed out of her job, and of course being a single young female with two mortgages to pay she cannot really afford to lose the job without finding a replacement.
So, once she gave in her notice she began to look around for new vacancies where she can work, and at one of these vacancies she attended two interviews and then verbally accepted the position, which as it turns out was where she made her third big mistake ( the first being what she did to me and the second by having an almost affair with her engaged boss ).
Because she is such a self-absorbed person in all the years of fake friendship on her part, she never once knew nor cared where I worked, and this has led to her downfall as this position that she accepted was in my very own company, working right next door to me.
However ... that was before my boss became aware of her last name. As soon as my boss saw that she was from my home town and read her first name she remembered all that I have told her in confidence about my life, and instantly called me up to ask if I knew this person, and when I did that was pretty much curtains for her potential employment with us.
I did not go out to try and stop her from working with us, but my boss is very protective over me, and knowing how much grief and trouble this person has happily caused me, my boss has pretty much black balled her from the interview stakes.
Thus, she must now again go back to square one, with even less time than ever before her current employment runs out, and go through the hassle of attending several interviews in the hope of impressing and getting a job elsewhere.
AND ALL BECAUSE she was nasty to me, stole from me, lied to me and then refused to return what was rightfully mine until I pressed to take legal action against her.
Q.E.D. People who are self-absorbed, who turn their back on true friends and who do their best to shit on good people from a great height will eventually find themselves out of favour, with no one to turn to and refused what they need the most.
As for me ... I still bear her no ill will, have just started dating a girl from China, have managed to sort out all my finances so I am no longer spending out more than I am earning, and am looking forward to a karaoke party with my friends from work to celebrate my 31st birthday. Rock on ..........
And for the record, IF I had wanted to be really nasty { and risk bringing some serious bad karma onto myself }, I would have kept quiet, waited until her first day of work AND THEN told my boss who it was, at which point she would then have ensured that the mega slag-bag-witch-bitch-from-hell ( as I have on occasions referred to of my ex friend. when I was feeling extra angry of frustrated ) didn't last out her new-employee probation period.
1 comment:
I am a big believer in what goes around comes around ! It always does.
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