April 09, 2011


Having recently had a run-in with a rather annoying bunch of Irkites, I have decided that rather than attempt to continue to shout down the masses, I will instead simply provide my own educational tidbits every now and again under the terms of my own encylopedic reference henceforth known as the Dickopaideia.

The first of my new words is of course, Irkite - [people who I personally find to be irksome - pronounced (Er-Kite)]

Another of my new words or phrases is alg - [alg, acronym for 'a little giggle', used in preference to the much overused and tired expression 'lol' meaning to 'laugh out loud']

Finally, as it seems clear that these particular bunch of Irkites are a waste of space I furthermore spent a few minutes playing about with my internet browsers and have now set up defaults to enable me to search the web without being swamped with their biased opinions and search hits.

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