Guns don't kill people, gun users kill people.
Knives don't kill people, knife wielders kill people.
Land mines don't kill people, land mine planters kill people.
Drugs don't kill people, drug pushers kill people.
Dogs don't kill people, dog owners kill people.
Alcohol doesn't kill people, off licences kill people.
Tattoos don't scare people, tattoo sporting thugs scare people.
Burberry clothes don't scare OAP's, rowdy smoking drunken teenagers wearing hoodies of burberry trying to earn their peers respect scare OAP's
Cigarettes don't kill people, tabacconists kill people.
Cats don't kill mice, cat owners kill mice!
The arguement is never as simplistic as it first seems and on closer investigation it just doesn't stand up any way you look at it.
There is no definitive answer one way or the other, but you can't just go around banning everything that is potentially dangerous in the wrong hands, as in the wrong hands even a paper fan can be a weapon.
The only answer is to comprehensively stop dangerous items/pets, etc. getting into the wrong hands, i.e. the hands of nutters who think its fun to use them on each other and on random innocent civilians.
In order to tackle these and similar issues, we need to strongly enforce the existing laws we have rather than dream up new ones or massage the statistics.
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