December 04, 2006

38 Unclassified Persons

In the UK there are exactly thirty eight unclassified figures.

These are people that somehow do not {or no longer} officially exist in any capacity what so ever.

They are not accountable to anyone except themselves and their single contact with the real "classified" world.

How they live, or how they became unclassified, I do not pretend to know, but what IS believed to be known, is that these are highly trained individuals that and able to dispatch any opponent, regardless of experience or weapon, in under ten seconds - even someone as accomplished as Jean Clause Van-Damme.

What else do is believed to be known about them, is that they do not look like toned athletes or bronzed Adonis's, but instead appear like regular Joes the same as the likes you or me.

They hide behind the smokescreen of their story being so ridiculous that no one would believe them and I personally know that at least one hangs out in a quaint little wine bar just off Berkeley Square.

And how is it, that I seem to know such facts about these shadowy figures? Simple, because one got drunk at the venue of our office christmas quiz and told a fellow member of our staff, who thought it so bizarre he could not wait to tell me.

So what do I believe?

Well, considering that Bruce Lee was the most famously skilled Martial Artist alive, having studied dozens of fighting methods and techniques, and even created his own style-less form called "Jeet Kun Do", yet even HE only boasted of being able to defeat any opponent in under sixty seconds, for someone to suggest that they can defeat anyone in under ten seconds is nothing but drunken optimism bordering on mindless drivel, at least IMHO.

As for the rest of his claims? Hmmm, maybe he was just play acting the part of the classic drunk to disguise the truth behind the facade ... but I doubt it.

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