August 02, 2006

Mission Possibly-Maybe

From one of my oldest contacts, and under my cover identit,y I have been handed an assignment that is strictly top secret.

Operation MW.

My mission, should I accept it, is to book passage and accomodation in an overseas city, where I will meet up with a junior operative at the rendezvous point inside the predetermined military complex and then after leaving the base and losing our tails by mingling with the local denizens of the region I must perform an extraction across the border.

The window of opportunity for the succuessful completion of this mission is tight, and I expect to be hard pressed to accomplish it before I leave for my next 'ordinary' trip to Budapest later in this month.

I can't mention any more at this time, because of the nature of the beast, but if all goes well then I will probably be allowed to divulge more after the event.

This message will erase your harddrive in five seconds, ...four, ...three, ..


He he, just my bit of fun.

The above is all true, just I have flowered it up a lot to make interesting reading. My old penpal Sarah has asked me to go and meet her son (aged 14), who is currently staying with her brother in Belfast's barracks, and after taking him into the town and having some fun and picking up some soveniers, bringing him back to England so that he can catch a flight home to the Emirates (Abu Dhabi).

You see how a simple favour can sound much more interesting if you look at it from a different point of view.

And as they have let me go on holiday with then in Spain and New Zealand before, I feel that I owe them this little favour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on, I am paying good money to read this blog, about time we had another entry......oh hang on, its free....sorry!

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