August 01, 2006

Jools Holland Concert

My sister in law invited me to go along to this years Jools Holland gig in Rochester Castle gardens, and cos Tony was being a prat as per usual after sending half a dozen texts i sort of felt obliged to go when he suddenly backed out, calling himself too unreliable to go with.
I get on very well with some of Leigh's friends, some more i will talk to as passing aquaintences and just a few i sill have yet to see any reason why leigh even talks to them, let alone calls them good friends, on a par ( or even better ) than me ( as he did at his own wedding, when he chose someone else to be his best man and NOT he oldest friend in all the world whos been there for him from junior school ).
Anyhoo, back to the concert.
I can't understand why anyone would invite me along to a concert if they have never even heard of Jools Holland ( except they know the name and have seen them on an advert once or twice ) and then be bemused by the choice and style of music.
Years ago I decided that because of the tv persona that he had, he would never be my favourite musician, but you cant argue that a man who knows enough jazz, blues and boogie to do a complete 1 1/2 hour set with no pause or music sheets knows his stuff.
Certainly when he played the harpsichord like a deva and made me think of a mixture between the Munsters theme tune / Randall & Hopkirk deceased, just with a better back beat and base section going on, it was sheer enjoyment.
Caroline refused to dance, even telling me to f'off, and i quote "I came here to listen", and this typified everything that i hate about most people.
I didnt go only to listen, I went to appreciate, feel, get involved and enjoy myself as much as possible ... in other words I wanted to "experience it", not just have a the line in a diary could read  "Went to another concert today, was good, stayed til the end and then came home again."
Sam Brown ( ) was there, as she had the most powerful yet controlled voice I have heard live in a long time, and I can see why Nancy's Dave likes her as well.
One of the songs had a bizarre bumble bee cartoon animation going on in the background, that totally threw me at first, though after hearing the music for a bit longer it did somehow go rather well.
Took a few photos, but this website blog doesnt seem to want me to save or show any photos, so I wont bother with these ones either.
Next stop, tomorrow morning is a five day trip to Sweden, and maybe if im bored enough northern Denmark as well.

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