So far, so good.
I always knew that with South America being so far away from Europe and also being so spread out and lacking in an extensive rail network that travelling to and from South America was going to be neither fast or extremely cheap.
However, I feel very pleased with myself that considering I have already purchased all of the flights to take me to the edge of the USA on the brink of crossing the pacific that I have more than broke the back of the advanced travelling costs, and not at a cost running into the thousands of pounds either.
Being a bit frugal, and knowing that I hate empty hotel rooms, I have booked the majority of my route thus far in cheap-but-highly-rated-by-other-backpackers dorms, and this in itself has reduced the budget by a lot.
All I need now is to get all the way to Singapore without too much more spending, and have a few more friends along the way offer me free accommodation and I will be able to fully knock the idea that travelling has to be expensive totally out the park.
If I was able to go back in time and to rename my pet project from the get-go I would call it the 10K challenge, in that I have to have as much and get round all the world for under £10,000.00, a feat some people think is unthinkable considering that I am going for 8 months, but the more I reflect and cost cut the more I think it is actually achievable.