Well as even the most occasional reader of my blog can tell, life for me have been very quiet recently with not a lot going on worth telling the whole world.
True, I had some friends over from Bahrain for a weekend, I have a new London job, I even tried to dye my hair blond and it went orange, but those have been the bright sparks in an otherwise dull and dreary couple of months.
In my new job I have an office to myself which is a blessing and a curse, and there are only a few other people here in the building and so socialising and chatting about life is a non event.
I am missing not having the money to do what I want these days.
I am missing not having the same group of friends I once had, as they all seem to have got married off and seperated the fartest corners of the UK.
I am especially missing a very special person or two who I used to talk to every week and now no longer see.
I am saddened by the fact that most of my overseas friends have given up on writing back to me, which means that my email inbox is empty more than it is full.
I had not realised how much of a dead end my local town had been til I went for a walk on a Friday night, passed at least a half dozen pubs and not one of them could boast more than 10 drinkers in their establishment.
I am missing not having anyone around the house to talk to, though this is also a good thing as I have the place to myself.
My laptop went screwey, I lost half my updated travel writing and I had to replace both the harddrive and the RAM chip to get it alive and working again.
My snooker buddy has taken a new job with better potential but less immediate salary which means that he can't afford to play snooker anymore.
I have tried to get interested in online poker, but the games are all rigged and I have taken more than my fair share of bad beats which have wiped out my user chips.
All in all, my life is very quiet and uninteresting at the moment, and despite my best efforts to liven things up it isn't really having much effect.
However, as always, tomorrow is another day, so who knows . . .