Nebraska & Montana - whats wrong with my blog ???
I've just clawed back all my blog entries and set them up on one file in chronological order and using a basic A4 word document it comes to around 350 pages and over 280,000 words.
The scary part is that I was writing very little on the first part of the journey and so after neatening it all up, rehashing some and then filling it into a proper balances book will only add to its size not shrink it - and thats without even a single photo and I was thinking of at least one per country !!!
I never thought about how big this project could become and now I am so very glad that I kept my blog and took so many photos as if now I had to write the whole thing off the from scratch with just a few notes on each place it would end up less than half the book it now might possibly be.
On other news I have contacted my mortgage people who have refused to offer me any help as I am not in current residence of my house, so my only chance of still being able to hang on to it are looking slimmer by the day.
The credit card people were almost as bad, merely demanding money each time I try to call them up and discuss it with the vague promise of being able to sort something out after yet another payment is received.
I have updated my cv and applied for a few jobs, both local and London, but I really feel that I have weeks not months left for things to turn around financially before I have almost no option but to go voluntary bankrupt or whatever they want to call it nowadays !?!
On the photos front I have compiled a disc of around 900 photos, fairly evenly split between each city and much like my writing I can see the quality vastly improve week on week.
I've just clawed back all my blog entries and set them up on one file in chronological order and using a basic A4 word document it comes to around 350 pages and over 280,000 words.
The scary part is that I was writing very little on the first part of the journey and so after neatening it all up, rehashing some and then filling it into a proper balances book will only add to its size not shrink it - and thats without even a single photo and I was thinking of at least one per country !!!
I never thought about how big this project could become and now I am so very glad that I kept my blog and took so many photos as if now I had to write the whole thing off the from scratch with just a few notes on each place it would end up less than half the book it now might possibly be.
On other news I have contacted my mortgage people who have refused to offer me any help as I am not in current residence of my house, so my only chance of still being able to hang on to it are looking slimmer by the day.
The credit card people were almost as bad, merely demanding money each time I try to call them up and discuss it with the vague promise of being able to sort something out after yet another payment is received.
I have updated my cv and applied for a few jobs, both local and London, but I really feel that I have weeks not months left for things to turn around financially before I have almost no option but to go voluntary bankrupt or whatever they want to call it nowadays !?!
On the photos front I have compiled a disc of around 900 photos, fairly evenly split between each city and much like my writing I can see the quality vastly improve week on week.
When I just rechecked my google analytics I am still getting around 6 hits per day which isnt bad seing as I have not been travelling for a fortnight now and as far as the USA goes it is only Nebraska and Montana that still have noone who is even remotely interested in my blog ... not sure why :o(